Curricular Guidance for Pre-School Education

Personal, Social &
Emotional Development
Focuses on the understanding of feelings and emotions, respect for self and others, forming relationships, self-confidence, independence, making choices, adapting to routines, co-operation and perseverance. This area of development is key to all other areas.

Early Mathematical Experiences
Focuses on the awareness of mathematical concepts (eg full to empty) and the use of mathematical language in context (eg tall, short). The ability to compare, sort, match, order, sequence and problem solve. Recognise colour, shape and number, associating quantity in context.

Physical Development & Movement
Focuses on overall hand and eye co-ordination. Gross motor skills; confidence and control to move, run, climb, jump, balance, aim, catch etc, co-ordination, spatial awareness, direction, safety. Also the development of fine motor skills through moulding, manipulation, pinch and grip.

The Arts
Focuses on providing opportunities for children to express their feelings and ideas as they create artistic representations. Encourages them to appreciate their own work and the work of others. They can access and explore a variety of materials, textures, tools, equipment and media. They experience the freedom of imagination as they create and engage in imaginative role play. They listen to and respond to music using instruments, movement and dance.

Focuses on listening, understanding, responding, conversation skills and role play, following instructions, making requests, memory recall, pre-reading and writing skills. Using books appropriately understanding their importance.

The World Around
Focuses on developing awareness and respect for the environment, nature, living things, family and community. It introduces children to the movement of time and associated seasons and events. It involves the use of curiosity, observation, exploration, experimentation, making predictions, sharing and questioning.